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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Please can someone edit a Photo for me ? Photoshop?

Question: Please can someone edit a Photo for me !? Photoshop!?
Hi People,
I have taken a photograph the other night, and noticed that most peoples eyes are messed up!. Would like it if someone could please edit it to spice up the pic sorting out all the red/white eye!.

Would also be nice if someone knew a way to give all the people in the photograph artificial green eyes!. The photograph can be found at the following link, Please upload the photograph when you have finished to www!.imageshack!.us/

Photograph: http://img146!.imageshack!.us/img146/6338/!.!.!.

Thank You"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is it FIXED!!!


you guys look like youre 12Www@QuestionHome@Com