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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can I find a company that specializes in ... ?

Question: Where can I find a company that specializes in !.!.!. !?
I found this beautiful picture on Photobucket!.com of Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) and I was just wondering if it's possible to print it from my computer and send it to a company that can make the picture bigger so I can frame it in my room!.

also, any names of companies that specialize in this will be helpful as well!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you want is a "high resolution" print made from a low resolution image downloaded from the web!.

For one thing, the image you have will never look any better than it does now, and any attempt to make in larger will result in "pixelization," meaning jagged curves and angles!.

But, equally important is that the image is copyright protected and owned by Disney, who jealously guards its inellectual property!. Copyright law allows for certain "fair use" principals in the copying and distribution of copyrighted works, but any company that charges YOU for duplicating that image can be sued for a LOT of money!.

There is no real problem of YOU making a copy and enlarging it (if it can even be done) and putting it up in your room!. But, it is illegal for someone ELSE to do the work and charge you for it!. It is a fine distinction, but, to copyright holders, it is a VERY important one!. No legitimate copy shop, or printer will do this!.

For more information, here is the officail US government copyright office site:


i believe photobucket offeres that option!. select "buy prints"Www@QuestionHome@Com