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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Art for sale!?

Question: Art for sale!!?
Commissions taken!. Please look at my work at http://2manypasswords!.blogspot!.com and you can see I have a variety of styles!. Not just oil painting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You art is pretty impressive but your 'question' is actually in direct violation of Yahoo guidelines!. You can not directly offer any product, from art to puppies, for sale in Yahoo Answers!.

It will probably be deleted as you've posted it!.

You might want to re-submit your 'question' to have it sound like you simply want opinions on your art!. It someone here likes it enough to buy any of it they'll let you know!. But I will tell you from personal experience that the regulars here are all artists themselves and most artists, unless they are well off, tend not to buy art from other artists!.

I could suggest you try web sites like Saatchi On-Line that offers free exposure to artists and free pages where artists can offer their work for sale!. I use Saatchi myself (there are other such sites) and have sold some of my paintings through them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com