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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Going to visual effects school and having some disabilities.?

Question: Going to visual effects school and having some disabilities!.!?
Im verry much wanting to go to a visual effects school!. There is only one problem i cant draw wortha crap!.I can thoughmodel verry well and make visual fx im 17 and fixing to grad!. Would i have a chance at passing college not knowing how to draw i can scetch!. Here is my work that i have done so far!. and if you do know a really great school plz help!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I didn't look at your youtube thing, but I knew some people who I went to design school with who weren't that great at drawing!. They were good at technical aspects and cleaning of images!. They also brought up some good ideas!. When working in the visual effects field you don't necessarily have to be the person making the final drawings, you could be doing a lot of the other work!. Don't let your drawing abilities hinder you!. Academy of Art is the best i thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com