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Question: How to journal with digital scrapbooking!.!.!.!?
I am an avid scrapbooker and have just recently gotten into scrapping digitally!. I use Photoshop to scrapbook and I download pieces and parts from various digital scrapbooking websites!.

My problem is that I want to journal on these pages, but can't find any easy way to do that!? (Right now I have to paste each letter, and it's difficult to do more than a few words)!.

Any tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a text tool that you can use, at least in PSE!. That's how I do it!.!.!.even if I add a digi journal block, it's pretty easy to get the spacing of your text to fit the lines correctly!.

It sounds as if you're trying to use digi elements for your letters - you're better off using a regular font for anything except single words or titles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the previous poster!. Definitely use a font rather than digital alphabet elements!. I would think most any program that you can digital scrapbook with will have a text feature!. And there are literally millions of free fonts out there you can download!Www@QuestionHome@Com