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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any ideas what to write?

Question: Any ideas what to write!?
okay i was on myspace looking at pictures
of a band called "represent"
they have a contest about the sexiest or whatever fan!.
so i was looking at the pictures!.
and i loved this girls idea!.
but i'm not gonna do the contest thing!.
just for a picture of me on my page!.
i wouldn't like so many people looking at my picture XD

so can you guys give me an idea what i can write on the paper!.
also, to help I'm girly and like fun cute stuff and my name
is maria!.

well, here's the link to the picture!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
write "ILY" and draw a heart and maybe a smiley face!.!.

that's what i'd do anyways!. cute idea! (:

help me out, please!?

The picture should say something about you!. Being that none of us know you at all, you're the best person to choose what to write there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com