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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone give me some tips on drawing people?

Question: Can someone give me some tips on drawing people!?
Cause so far all I do is anime style drawings!. I want to learn how to draw real people!. Any tips!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. When beginning the drawing, avoid diving right into details like eyes, fingers, noses, etc!. First rough out the general pose and shape of the figure!. Make sure you've got it positioned where you want it, and that it's in good proportion!.

2!. Next, pay attention to the relationships and positioning of body parts in relation to other body parts!. Don't dive into the details yet!. Work on getting the general shape of the head, hands, arms, torso, etc!.

3!. Your eraser is you best friend for this part!. Start adding details!. Erase previous construction and positioning lines as the details begin to develop!. Keep noodling away at it, and you'll end up with a solid, well planned drawing that your friends will be jealous of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will suggest, as someone who NEEDS to have a bit of knowledge on the human figure, that you should learn which parts of the face and body can be separated in halves, then quarters and so forth!. Every part of the human body can be measured centrally in equal measurements all the way down to eights!. ie- the eyes are located horizontally in the middle of the head front view!. the nose halfway between the eyes and bottom chin, Your mouth is halfways between your nostril and bottom chin, etc!. The average human is something like 5 to 6 heads tall, your breastplate ends at 2 heads down!.!.!. you get the idea!. Your ears are located exactly at eyebrow level and dip to your nose divit!. ~try to find some examples through google images, you'll get it!.~ also, it won't hurt to find out how the original masters worked using the 'golden mean' or 'golden rule of measurement'!. Just my jot of suggestion~good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would need to see your drawings to be able to give you good advice!.

Study the face be for you move on to full-body pictures and try to draw from pictures( it helps)!. Because you are coming from the anime style, try to make the eyes not to big and shiny!.

I think its grate that you are trying different things!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

soften up the lines and add shading, use smaller eyes and add details - try starting by drawing from pictures of actual people - like ur family or one from a magazineWww@QuestionHome@Com