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Question: Feedback on my photography!?
I'm just looking for some freedback and critique on my pictures!. I'm kinda an amateur at this and i usually always carry a camera with me and take pictures at random!. Tips and criticisms are more than welcome, i love taking pictures and am debating pursuing this as a career!.!.!.

heres samples of some of my work:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One of your first things you learn as a photographer, is how to master the basic tools of your craft!.

Some of the images I liked best, were not exposed well!. Some of the images of old rusting things in the forest were underexposed!. The birdhouse and leaves were underexposed and out of focus!. If they are underexposed because of low light, learn how to use your manual controls to open up the f-stop, or slow down the shutter speed!. If going below 1/125 of a sec, then use a tripod!. If you have a very steady hand and learn the tricks to bracing yourself against a pole or wall, then you can shoot as low as 1/60th of a sec!. If they are blurry because of a slow shutter speed, the tripod will help!.

I can see from your images, that you have an eye for it, that you are seeing things that others might pass by as being everyday and mundane!. That's good, keep working it!.

Take some photography classes, not just technical ones, but ones that will help with composition and esthetics!.

Compositionally, what worked for me was the yellow butterfly on the leaf, canada68!.jpg- the blue butterfly on the trunk, natlangt57!.jpg- the old radio!.

Canada68!.jpg was interesting to me, because I didn't read the people in the background until my eye was pulled by what I thought were distracting white elements in the corner!. It was interesting to find those hidden people in that image, which I already liked because of the nice vertical lines in the image working with the horizontal lines in the trunk of the tree!.

The butterfly on the aluminum railing is interesting because of the juxtapostion of nature with an obviously manmade element, which is also strong and beautiful in the image!.

I like one of the themes you are working on, which seems to be lights and light fixtures!. What you need to work on is to make the individual photos more interesting!. They shouldn't be interesting just because they are part of a larger group, but should each be a good photo on it's own!. Work on the individual photo compositions there!.

I was going to tell you, as I do many beginning photographers, that good flower photography difficult to do, because flowers are pretty on their own!. I'm going to skip it after zooming in on 2 or 3 of them!. Some of them are quite good!.

Now for some technical criticism: Work on your cropping and post processing (photoshop corrections)!. For instance, on image blah22!.jpg, the flower in this image is beautifully rendered, and the subtle gradations of red to orange and yellow are quite wonderful, but there's too much background, or at least, too much distracting background!. Pull down or darken the surround around the flower a bit, so that the eye isn't pulled away by the strong green triangle on the left or the light green stems on the right!. The crop can come in a bit on either side of this image without hurting the main subject!.

The cropping on blah5!.jpg is much better, but even there, the bright green leaves on the right of the flower can be darkened slightly to hold eye to the center of the image!.

Nice cropping and composition on the stonework and butterfly of canada65!.jpg!. The angle of the lines and shapes works with the butterfly!.

The picture postcard images of the rivers, lakeshores, and waterfalls look like picture postcards!. If you want to pursue image making in this direction, you need slightly better equipment!. Most likely wider angle lenses to capture the grandeur of being there!. In future portfolio showings, go ahead and leave these out, as they aren't much different than what everyone has seen before!.

You seem to have some talent in this field, so I would recommend that you continue to photograph, take classes whenever you can and see if photography is something you would like to pursue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've looked at some of them and they weren't really that interesting!. I think you should read some photography books, read about composition, lighting, and learn your camera!. some were blurry and just plain!. sorry, keep practicing though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need to fine tone your composition and lighting
you also need to have a facal point where the person can look right into the pic and know what its all about

keep practicing but your not there yet

it take work !.!. hard workWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think u should find what one u think is your best and post!.!.and go from there!.!.!.seeing them all!.!.!.!.!.kinda thorws me off!.!.!.!.!.!.!.but ill say keep doing what u love doing !.!.!.!.the lighting idnt the best!.!.!.!.but its about the shot !.!.!.!.at first!.!.!.then when u get that!.!.!.u can work more on lighting and stuff!.!.if u are jsut practicing for your self for now!.!.!.!.!.im still working on lighting!.!.lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

you need to post it to photobucket and make it public, this link just takes me to your sign in page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your ablum is on a private setting since it's asking me for a password!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the resolution looks horribleWww@QuestionHome@Com

you need a password in your post, cant accessWww@QuestionHome@Com