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Question: Zoom technique!?
What do you cal the zoon technique (in which the photographer zooms in rapidly, then zooms out before the shutter closes) that prodices a line looking effect in photos!? i also notice the lighting tends to looks slightly more dramatic, and the image is a little distorted!. I've done it before with the Canon Rebel Xt but am trying to figure out how to do it with the Minolta!. Thanks

examples!. http://flickr!.com/photos/22658121@N00/14!.!.!. (NOT MINE)

or this http://flickr!.com/photos/vdbdc/225913273!.!.!. (Not mine)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is the result of manually zooming your cameras lens during a long exposure !.!. 1/2 second or longer!. Your camera is capable of shooting up to 4 second exposures!.

Your Minolta may be called a pro camera, but it is not even close to being a camera one would use to complete professional assignments!. If is over six years old and while it cost nearly $1000 new, you can buy two Nikon D40's with lenses for less!. Technology has indeed marched on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com