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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you have a list of photos you want to take or do you just take them when a si

Question: Do you have a list of photos you want to take or do you just take them when a situation comes up!?
Me and my brother work at the same job, but he's a mechanic and I work in a different department!. I would like to get some pictures of him and this guy hes friends with over there while they're working, but its kind of out of the way!. Its for a family album im making!. For me its a lot of pressure to take pictures of people most of the time!. How can I get over this!? Is it normal!? Do you all have pictures you expect to take or do you just take them as the opportunity arises!? It seems to me that because I expect to take certain pictures I worry ill miss out and itll lead to more dissapointment if I cant get them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am the "family photographer"!. In fact, I get calls from various family members inquiring if I am available for a photo op!. I always have a camera with me at family events!. I have done so for years, so everyone expects it!. It is second nature to me!. I snap a lot anyway!. No one has ever complained that I missed anything or acted disappointed!.

Just take your camera to work with you!. On your break go to brother's department and grab a few shots!. Get them working and pose them together for a few as well!. Take several so you will have a selection!.

After several years of practice and experience, you will know what shots to take and you won't feel awkward about snapping them (at least for family and friends!.) Be careful, you may become known as the family shutterbug and you will be *expected* to capture all the family memories!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, I avoid taking pictures of people too, but as the photographer in the family I always get asked and what can you do!. It may help if you remember that everyone will like the pictures better than you do!. I think its a good idea to plan what you want in advance so you are prepared, nothing to stop you from taking pictures on the fly as well!. What works for me is to take pictures informally first and then go back with a plan of what I really want after I have reviewed the first set!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

spontaneity rocks !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Taking photos of those you know well should be even easier than doing so of strangers!.

The photographer is in charge--and they do what you tell them basically!. You have to take charge (I don't mean that you have to be a jerk about it)--but some people don't know what to do when they stand in front of the camera--and you have to tell them what to do!. You have to communicate with the subject!. Most will stand there "duh" and expect you to count One!.!.!. two!.!.!.!. threeeeeeeee snap!

For example, I know her, and she's quite photogenic!.


I never met him until I took this photo, but he was relaxed after a few shots!.


Group photo is not hard at all!. Make sure everyone looks at the camera--and don't play with the aperture too much to get shallow depth of field (as some will be in focus and the rest will not)--and take a few because someone will blink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com