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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you have set pictures you want to take or do you just take them as the situat

Question: Do you have set pictures you want to take or do you just take them as the situation permits!?
Me and my brother work at the same job, but he's a mechanic and I work in a different department!. I would like to get some pictures of him and this guy hes friends with over there while they're working, but its kind of out of the way!. Its for a family album im making!. For me its a lot of pressure to take pictures of people most of the time!. How can I get over this!? Is it normal!? Do you all have pictures you expect to take or do you just take them as the opportunity arises!? It seems to me that because I expect to take certain pictures I worry ill miss out and itll lead to more dissapointment if I cant get them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Definitely just go there with an open mind and camera in hand!. You kind of answered your own question!.!.!.!.!.if you have particular shots in mind that you're looking for, you're going to miss out on some even better ones!. Try to shoot human interaction, it's always more interesting than poses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Different situations call for different approaches!. With a wedding I have a pre set list in my head, but am quick to add images as the opportunity arises!. I have gone to other events with no idea what I was going to shoot and adjusted to the situation!. Go with a short list so that you feel a bit more confident, then improvise the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com