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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I feel weird about asking my brother and his coworker to pose for a photo?

Question: I feel weird about asking my brother and his coworker to pose for a photo!?
I haven't been at photography for very long, but i'm trying to make a family album!. I want a shot of him with his coworker that he likes working with!. We work at the same building, but the last time I took a picture of him working he sorted of mocked me, but not in a mean way, just "Oh, brother!.!.!.taking pictures of me now!." I don't have a lot of confidence in myself, so taking pictures of people and wondering what they're thinking is a big issue i'm trying to get over!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is my nephew--I said I need to try out a new lens, and he didn't put up a fight!.


On the other hand, it might appear a little odd that you want to do that to your colleague, (but not your brother)--unless you have some decent photos that you have taken to show them, and they'll be flocking your desk begging you to take photos!. I do understand that they are all guys, and they might think it's weird--it isn't at all, but it's not easy to change their mind!. Some people hate to have their photos taken (me included, see http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/little_pook!.!.!. )

So if you want to practice on someone that will allow you to do it without putting up a fight, you might start there first!. But with these guys, you can tell them that these photos can be given to girlfriend / wife, etc!. and they might like the idea!.

Not a good idea by the way to charge them money at this point!.

p!.s!. Most guys do not know how to pose for a photo!. When they stand in front of a camera, it's like they're going in for surgery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just take one of them tell them its for your family album!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com