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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Changing lenses in outdoor situations?

Question: Changing lenses in outdoor situations!?
Just wondering what you guys do when you absolutely need to change a lens while outdoors!. What precautions do you take, any tips or techniques!?

Camera: Nikon D40Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I make sure the camera's mouth is not pointing UP so the dust or whatever won't fly / fall in!.

Never sit the lens on its mount without a protective cover thingie or risk bending any prongs / or dirtying electronic connectors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm always changing lenses (unless is raining)!. You have to develop your own technique so try on your bed/couch as many times until it becomes second nature and do it as fast as possible!.
You have to figure out how your hands move and what is 'natural' for you but the general idea is to prevent foreign objects to get inside your camera and to avoid scratching the back element on your lens (or the electronics on the lens)!. You might have to place your lens on the grown or on the bag and point the camera downward while changing lenses!. Keep the front element covered as long as possible until you are ready to begin shooting again!.

Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I always carry a gallon size ziploc bag!. pull it over the camera and lens and change inside the bag to help prevent dust and other nasties from getting in the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com