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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What paint to use on a wine glass?

Question: What paint to use on a wine glass!?
I am personalising some wine glasses as part of our wedding, but i have no idea what paint to use!. One i bought at a craft store peels right off - not good!. I am writing on the outside of the glass and really need it to stay on - even when washed!. Any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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You can buy glass and enamel paints from dallas china or Maryland china company and paint on it - both enamel and florals or other designs or lettering which will stay on through dish washing!. A china painting teacher can help you on choice of paints and the procedure to paint on glass!. Lessons are not very expensive!. Look on www!.PPIO!.com for a china painting teacher near you!. Otherwise, you can try acrylic paint but I am not sure it will stay on very long with washing in hot water!. The wine glasses cannot have lead content in them for firing in kilns so cheaper ones, not crystal
wine glasses!. Other items often taught are painting on glass lamps, glass bowls or similar glassware!.Www@QuestionHome@Com