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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What Photo book-making company do you recommend?

Question: What Photo book-making company do you recommend!?
A bunch of volunteers from the organization I work for and I want to create a book for a little girl overseas with messages to her in it!. Originally, I was going to use www!.lulu!.com, but it turns out that most everyone has had a horrible experience!.

We were planning on creating just a regular, hard cover book, but all of the reviews of retailers we've found, including Lulu, have been horrible!. And their uploading process is quite complicated!.

Basically, we're making a book that will consist of pictures, and these pictures will contain the messages we want to send to the little girl!. We don't want it to look scrapbook-ish!.

Who do you recommend!? We're just getting started, but we're estimating that the finished project will be 75 to 200 pages!.

also, the book must be bound like a hardcover book!. It cannot have a spiral binding or any other cheap looking binding!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should consider blurb!.com or mypublisher!.com

I personally think mypublisher!.com is better but ehh Its not a huge diffrence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

