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Question: Creating fantasy worlds!?
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone other than me enjoys spending their time creating new fantasy worlds just for the fun of it!. you know like magic, elves, dwarfs, and all that good stuff!. So is there anyone!? Or does anyone wana try!? Maybe we could create an awesome mystical world together!! reply if your interested or just wana say that you do it too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yea, I do that too! I don't write it down or anything, but before I go to sleep I imagine things that I REALLY wish were true!haha :) and then I hope that I dream about it, but that doesn't usually happen!. Sometimes it does and that is amazing because it's brought to life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For recreation, that is exactly what I have been doing for many, many years!.

I write some short, fantasy stories and then, illustrate sceneds and characters for them!. A couple of my stories have been published in pulp mags, but none of my illos for them have made it to print!. Other illustrations have seen print, but none of the ones from my stories!.

For a couple of quick samples, check out one of my OLD websites at ( http://members!.aol!.com/VSM66 ) Specificaly, click on the Fantasy and Science Fiction section and scroll down to the images titled: Pike Cat, Crank and Rider!. These are from the collected stories of my linked series going by the working title "King of the Cats!."

I just checked out the site!. (it has been unsused for many years) On the Editorial page, there is one of the stories from the series called, "Sermon!."Www@QuestionHome@Com