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Question: Clay With Grog!?
what is the difference between clay with and without grog!? i have tried using vashon white, but that has grit (which i'm assuming is grog) and i hate that it gets so gritty after a minute!. what are the benefits of clay with and without grog!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
grog reduces the shrinkage of clay (it's already fired clay group up into small particles, so the grog itself won't shrink) and gives wet clay more mechanical stability!.

For small pieces on the pottery wheel you don't really need much!. Usually clay for use with a pottery wheel has really fine grog, because it's rough on your hands!.
It's main advantage is with handbuilding or for large pieces (especially for outdoor pieces)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Benefits; when making a model used for preparing a mould a low fire white, smooth textured ceramic clay without grog, is essential; i!.e!. dont use grog if you want the model to be as smooth as possible before molding!. Grog and coarser clays are used for large objects where it serves to support the sculpture