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Question: Style of Art Question!?



I really love this style of art (think it`s oil painting!?) with the shadows, shading, flesh tones, nature, etc and would like to know:
1!. Does this style have a particular name!?
2!. Was there any period famous for it!?
3!. Which other artists would I enjoy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Those are all Pre Raphaelite paintings!. One Cot and two Bouguereau's!.

1!. Both William Bourguereau and Pierre August Cot were painters of French Academic art!. Mostly a mix of Neoclassicism and Romanticism!. (If you want to read up on it: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Academic_ar!.!.!. , Wikipedia is only so correct, but a good place to start)

2!. Around the 19th Century (starting a bit earlier and continuing)

3!. -Emile Munier, Alexandre Cabanel, Jean-Jacques Henner
You also might like to look through this site a bit:

Hope that helps! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without turning to my books, I would suggest its Life painting at its Finest!. Possibly the Renaissance era when artists became more bold about painting life as they saw it!. First artist that comes to mind is Raphael, although many others used this style!. Yes, I'd concur that they are oil paintings!.

I've starred and saving this in my watch list to see others answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
