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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Who knows how to explain this better than this Adobe Illustrator Tracing Tutoria

Question: Who knows how to explain this better than this Adobe Illustrator Tracing Tutorial!?
I am trying to do this (in link below) and I get stuck on the 2nd page and cannot understand it!. Does anyone know of another tutorial that shows me how to do this or tell me how to do this!.!.!.!.and can anyone show me how to change my gradient!.!.!.I can't get the gradient to be one color!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
in your tool pallette you have a foreground and a background color!.
click and drag the colors to the little bucket markers at the bottom of your gradient!.

it's been a while since I have done this!.!.!.!. you want to drag a no-color into the left side (the red diagonal line) and drag your fill color to the right side

been a while so you may have to drag from your color palette if the tool palette thing doesn't work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com