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Question: Word balloons!?!?!?
How does add word balloons in comic sences!? By hand or Computer programs!?

I have COMIC LIFE program, can I rely on it for doing a comic book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've tried using the ones via computer and actually preferred the ones I drew by hand instead!. I liked the more 'organic' look it had!. The other one was so precise and the program I was using didn't allow for distortion where the words would be going vertically down the side next to the character, or for allowing the words to come as close to the inside line of the balloon as I wanted!.

Try yours both ways, see which you prefer for the look of the comic you're doing!. That way you'll be happy with whatever decision you make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com