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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you make a video not look homemade?

Question: How do you make a video not look homemade!?
i dunno if its the lightning or the editing, but whenever i record a video on a camcorder, it doesn't look professional (like movie-quality)!. what are ways to make it look less homemade and more professional!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Part of it is the equipment, part of it is the technique!.

Shooting on a camcorder will never look "movie" quality!. Movies are shot on film (well, many still are), which is at a different frame rate (usually 24 frames per second) than most camcorders (29!.97 frames per second)!. It has different qualities and the eye can tell!. Even if you go all digital, your lens and sensors will hold you back if you don't buy the good stuff!. To make it look the best, you need to get a decent camera!. MiniDV is still very popular, even among pros, just not the $300 models, think more in the thousands!. You can rent the "good" cameras from stores in areas like LA, but I don't know where you live, so I don't know how readily available or feasible this is for you!.

If you want to stick with the camera you have, make sure you have adequate lighting and, most importantly, use a tripod! It is astounding what a difference it makes!.

Then there's the issue of technique!. There are whole libraries books written on the subject of video aesthetics and editing!. If you need a critique on this you would need to post a video to see where this may be lacking!. There are too many options and many professionals can struggle with this--have you ever seen just a really bad, slow moving Hollywood film!? I know I have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a term, called "production values" that describes the differences you see, and more that you may not even be aware of!.

Part of it is, of course, in the equipment and lighting, but a LOT more is going on!. If you look at the credits of films, short and long, you will see, for instance the title of "Art Director!." This person, along with the Director and Cinematographer, is responsible for the overall "look" of what you see on screen!. The mood, atmoshpher, and colors that you see are NOT accidental!. They are, almost always and for every second of the film, deliberately chosen!. Haven't you ever wondered why there is a "Costume Designer" in a film that uses no costumes except ordinary clothing!? Again, what appears on screen is no accident!. Same with props, locations, vehicles and even the catering provided for cast and crew!.

All of these, and more, add up to a film's production values!. You can film with the most sophisticated camera equipment in the world and STILL not get any better quality than you can with a cheap DVD recorder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get a profesonal camcorder there usauly $800-$1000 when u shoot outside dont use natural light block the sun and use ur own lights and if u film ppl put make up powder on their faceWww@QuestionHome@Com