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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What kind of paint should I use?

Question: What kind of paint should I use!?
I want to paint my whole backpack!.Not with a design, but just plain, one color and then another for the straps!. What kind of paint should I use!? One that won't crack or come off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most backpacks are made of nylon!. If yours is nylon, I'm afraid you're out of luck!. If you paint it, it will only look good for a few days!. Nylon is a flexible plastic, and while they do make paints for plastic, if it flexes, your paint job will definitely fall apart!.

If it's actually made of some kind of fabric, you most likely could just dye it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They make fabric paint!. Try looking at WalMart!. You could also use fabric dye!. If neither is available, mix water with acrylic craft paints (cheap at WalMart with lots of colors available) and mix water with it so it will absorb into the fabric!.Www@QuestionHome@Com