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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone help me with the art history ?

Question: Can someone help me with the art history !?
can you guys tell me any art term you know for any of these paintings!.i have a test coming up and i have to describe these paintings!.
1!. The last supper, by Leonardo Da Vinci
2!.Ludwig Kirchner
3!.The David sculpture,by: Michelangelo
4!.Death of Marat,by : Jacques Louis David
5!. The grande odalisque,by : Dominique Ingres
6!. Madam Pompador,by : Francois Boucher
These are all, i tried to find out their style online, but most of the sites talk about the background, so it wasnt that helpfull!.
the art terms such as:
classical, non-representational,representational,ch!.!.!. the canvas,spontaneous brish strokes,fresco, linear perspective, hierarchical scale, phidian style, vanishing point,vantage point, one point perspective, low relief,high relief, conceptual representation, expressionism, post impressionism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alright well I'll just start with what's easiest for me:

Ingres: It has a theme of the sensual and the exotic (I realize this needs some support haha)!. The female figure here is distorted with elongated lines, especially emphasized in the back!. In this way the image is stylized, although Ingres was a Neoclassical artist and the detail is very precise and the finish of the painting is smooth and, well, finished!. It's sensual and seductive, but in a coy and modest way since the figure is glancing over her shoulder at the viewer, but still making eye contact on a vantage point at the same level as the viewer!. It also emphasizes the exotic because the image is of a Turkish Harem girl surrounded by luxurious fabrics and exotic feathers etc!.

I'll write more later if no one answers numbers 1, 3, or 4!.Www@QuestionHome@Com