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Question: Online Comic Art!?!?!?
I love to draw (good, but not great) and I've got a friend who kept telling me that I should draw up an online comic strip (ie!. Sluggy Freelance, Something Positive, Sequential Art)!. It got me thinking!.!.!. I'm not good enough (in my opinion) to scan and post something, but I've heard that some online comic artists use a software program to clean up their work and to add color!. I could do with some suggestions and, if at all possible, some examples of the software's work/ability!.

Thank you for all helpful answers!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I use Sketchbook Pro and a Wacom tablet for digital work and for cleaning pencil work up and coloring I use Photoshop CS2!.
I have some work up at www!.derekscottART!.com and
http://derekart!.deviantart!.com/ if you'd like to see the out come of using some programs!. Hope that helps!. -derekWww@QuestionHome@Com