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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Picture Editing? (EXAMPLE!)?

Question: Picture Editing!? (EXAMPLE!)!?
I want to add some light to my pictures like where it makes like a big ball of fire

thats a really bad way to explain it!.
but here is the picture

the thing im talking about is what i circled in RED
and what i am wondering is can i download any picture editors off the internet to make my pictures pretty!?

please and thank you [:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're talking about a lens flare!. Photoshop has a pretty good lens flare filter, but it isn't a free program!. I'm not sure if Gimp does or not, but that might be your best bet for free-ware!. Just make sure to use it when the "camera" is looking into the "sun"--that'll give you the most natural effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com