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Question: Major in Illustration!?
What kind of job can you get with a major in Illustration!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can:

work for newspapers & major magazines; freelance for ad agencies!.

do the visuals that go on billboards!.

design food packaging and wine labels

illustrate book covers - you can actually work for a publishing company - or several publishing companies

do fashion design or other specialty (a friend of mine used to design biking attire for Nike)

I assume you will take design courses as well!?

Here are some magazines you'll want to get: the HOW Business Annual!. The Communication Arts (CA) Illustration Annual (you can buy past annuals individually, or get a year's subscription and see how other illustrators - and designers and writers and art directors and freelancers - are doing and get tips from them)!.

PS I would definitely talk to someone at your college and get suggestions - from both professors and students!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any kind of job you want!!

I majored in Illustration and professionally since I graduated 2 years ago I've worked in:

Children's Book Illustration
Illustrations used in TV shows
CD cover illustration
DVD Cover illustration
project pitches for TV shows
Web Design
Advertising design
Busniess Card design
logo design
Creature/character development for Film

I work full-time and have more free-lance work than I know what to do with!. It can be a really great field to work in!. If you can actually draw you have all of Graphic Design and all of Illustration before you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com