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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where Can I Learn To Draw Kim Possible?

Question: Where Can I Learn To Draw Kim Possible!?
I Need To Know Like Now!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Begin with Kim's head!. It is basically a perfect circle!. Usually only her right ear is visible, and is round and about halfway up the side of her head!.

2!. Next sketch her hair!. It is usually parted on the side of her head with the visible ear!. Her hair is full, and about twice the length of her head!. It should be drawn in only a few sections, not each strand!. It falls to a point which will reach to the middle of her back!.

3!. Using basic shapes, quickly sketch the shape of her body and arms!. Her waist is very tiny, and her arms and legs are long and thin!. As with all human figures, think about how her arms and legs would be proportioned and positioned before clothing is added to them!. Proportionally, her body is very small compared to her head!. Her face should be a bit wider than her shoulders and hips!.

4!. Add facial features!. The eyes will be placed about halfway between the top and bottom of her face!. Her eyes are complete circles, with no lashes or much detail!. Her nose is very simple and small, indicated with a checkmark shape!. Her mouth is curved, and the top lip is full while the bottom lip is only a line!.

5!. Add her clothing!. Kim possible is usually portrayed wearing a black turtleneck, baggy green cargo pants and boots!. Think about how the clothing would fall on the body!.

6!. Darken permanent lines and erase guidelines!.

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-Angel P!.S Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is now true way anyone can tell how to draw an image!. Download and print out a bunch of Kim Possible images from the web and or get some Kim comicbooks!. Just study the lines and draw draw draw draw!. That is how I always learn to draw my favorite characters!. Some examples http://derekart!.deviantart!.com/ good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ha Ha HA! no clue!.!.!.ha ha ha!Www@QuestionHome@Com

why not print a picture of her, and draw what you see!Www@QuestionHome@Com

visit at www!.beyondthelimits4!.blogspot!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com