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Question: Can Linseed Oil Be Used To Clean Brushes!?
I know that some paint thinners can be used to clean the brushes, but can linseed oil do the same!? also, is it dangerous and bad for your health!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Sandy,

If you are referring to cleaning your brushes during a painting session I wouldn't use linseed oil for that purpose as it would leave too much oil on the brush while mixing your next color (the painting would take a long time to dry)!. I found that an empty coffee as a vessel for cleaning your brushes works quite well!. Another tip is to cut a course metal screen in a circle that is about an inch larger than the diameter of the coffee can opening!. Then bend the screen edges over to make a cup like insert that is positioned in the bottom of the coffee can!. Fill the coffee can with mineral spirits or turpentine about 3"!. I use this method for cleaning my bushes and it works very well!. The screen helps to "scrub" the brushes and also traps the paint solids to the bottom of the can!.

Use Linseed oil as part of your medium when mixing your oil paint!. I use 1 part Linseed oil and 3 parts turpentine (use mineral spirits only for cleaning your brushes, not for your medium) for my medium and it has worked for me for over 25 years!. Simple and inexpensive and you can get all of the supplies at your local hardware store!.

After your painting session you can clean your brushes with Ivory soap and warm water!. Just drag the brush over the bar of soap and carefully rotate the bristles in the palm of your hand adding water as you go until all of the paint is removed!. Once clean lightly drag the brush over the bar of soap once more and then fashion the brush to a point and let dry!. I still use brushes that are 20 years old because of using this method!.

Never leave your brushes sitting in the coffee can as it will render your brushes useless in no time!.

Last note!.!.!. I personally wouldn't consider Linseed oil or other solvents as being dangerous although I have known some folks find them to agitate an allergic reaction!. If that would be the case there are oil paints that will mix with water (although I haven't tried them)!.

Hope this helps!.


You can spread out paint with linseed oil, so theoretically, you could get the paint off the brush!. But you would be left with an oily brush, which, if not cleaned properly will harden!. I know it's not good for the brushes, but you can use liquid soap if you dont have any white spirit!.

It's always best to use white spirit!.

It's not beneficial for health!. In the first world war, pilots used to oil the guns on their planes with it!. Downward winds, carrying small amounts of the oil gave the pilots diarrhea!. It's not dangerous, persay, but it wouldn't be a good idea to drink any!. (not stating the obvious!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You actually can use linseed oil to clean your brushes, by brushing out all the colour on a rag, adding clear oil and brushing again!. Many artists who do not like using turps or spirits do this - some use baby oil!. Neither of these oils are hazardous to your health!.

Afterward, you must remove the linseed oil or it will harden on your brushes - Master's Brush cleaner soap is non-toxic and will remove the oil and keep your brushes supple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Linseed oil is ONLY used to mix the colors!.!.!.!.!.Never to clean brushes!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, linseed oil would not work for thatWww@QuestionHome@Com