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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Your opinions on this picture?

Question: Your opinions on this picture!?
I just recently went on vacation to Canada and Ohio, and I took this picture on my last day in Cleveland!. Can someone give me opinions!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm a photo printer!.
Constructive criticism;
It has a lot of vertical lines, even the statue pointing upwards, but the image is tilted!. If you could straighten it out it would look nicer!. Unless you intended to give it a slight awkward feeling by tilting it!.
The hi contrast gives it a vivid look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly Its Okay!.!.!.!. the angle is kind of crooked ands that's a wee bit bothersome to the eye, and the man walking by throws your image off, i also think you should have zoomed in and played with different angles other than just taking a pic of a nice Fountain from the front!. or maybe even getting close enough to get the base of the fountain and including the surrounding buildings with a certain lens(cant think of it right NOW cuz im sleepy lol) would have been impressive!. your just trying to impress people by taking a pic of something nice!.

instead of trying to wow,just have fun, be creative and innovative, work on your composition and you should be fine, like i tell others, practice practice and you should be fineWww@QuestionHome@Com

Straighten it for starters!. The composition is enhanced by the inclusion of the pedestrian!. The centered composition is not very exciting, but I think it works OK here!. The lighting could have been better, but it is what it is!. Overall, a decent snapshot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice photo!. I live in Cleveland and I think I've taken this exact photo lol!.

It's very eye-catching!. But it's crooked, was that on purpose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

looks like a photo everyone that has seen that has taken, sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com