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Question: Would you buy my photography!?
If you wouldn't, say what I could do to improve!.
If you would, please say what your favorite one was, and what you would pay for it!. :D



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, I wouldn't!.!.!.and for the same reasons that others have already mentioned!. The colors are horribly oversaturated and overexposed!. You have obviously WAY over-edited your pictures, and possibly they were overexposed when you took the pictures with the camera!. There are no mid-tones, everthing is either super dark or completely blown-out and glowing white!.

I have honestly seen much better pictures straight from a film camera!. And I'm not saying that sarcastically!.!.!.I really do mean that I have seen awesome pictures with a film camera that had completely manual focus and exposure control, and where the pictures were NOT editied!. The sad thing is some of your pictures would have been nice if you hadn't edited them!. I don't know why so many people think that it's better to completely manipulate pictures on a computer, and think that somehow it's more artistic!. It's not!. They look fake!.

Some minor adjustments to improve a picture are fine!.!.!.but what you are doing is going way overboard and is completely ruining the pictures!.

Some of your pictures have potential, you do frame some of your subjects in an interesting way!. But you need to completely change your attitude about photography!. What you're trying to do isn't real photography anymore!. The best pictures are the ones that you get right with your camera the first time!. You need to pay more attention to composition and getting the right lighting and exposure!.

That would be my advice!. Do some research and learn as much as you can about basic photography!. Not editing your pictures on Photoshop to make them look "kewl" or "artsy" but REAL honest-to-goodness photography using your camera!. Learn to use f-stop, shutter speed, focus, depth of field, everything!. Be more careful with your pictures and really take the time and think about what kind of photograph you want to create, and what kind of message you want to share!. Once you really learn how to use your camera, you will have a whole new world open for you!. You will be truly creating art and spending more time out TAKING PICTURES instead of on your computer!. And you'll have more fun too!

Then maybe, when you're ready, you could sell some of your pictures!. But you aren't ready yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As both a hobbyist photographer who is also a current photography student I would have to say tha "No" I would not buy the majority of your pictures due to the obvious reasons listed many times before me!. I!.E!. over-exposed and extremely over "photo-shoped"


I do want to offer this!.!.!. you obviously have a passion for this medium and I would encourage you as others have to find a good photography book!. I recommend "A Short Course in Photography: A Introduction to Photographic Technique" by Barbra London & Jim Stone you can find it at amazon for as little as around $20!.

This book is actually the text book used at my community college for the first level photography class and covers both film and digital cameras as well as all the different aspecs of photography!. This way you can take techincally sound pictures and almost eliminate the editing you have to do later!. Which inturn will make you pictures more appealing and more likely to sell!. Hope this helps and if you have any other questions please feel free to email meWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, because I'm a photographer and I can tell you aren't!.

It looks like you're using your average point and shoot digital camera and messing with colours, saturation, and contrast in photoshop or a similar program!.

You have no knowledge of depth of field!. Many of your shots are close ups which could definitely benefit from a short DOF (with the exception of "dewdrops")!. Quite a few of your photos are overexposed!. Some of the editing you have done takes away from detail!.

If your camera has a manual option (both focus AND adjusting the shutter speed & aperture) start using it! If you don't know how, look it up online or, better yet, buy a used photography textbook!. It will probably teach you about film cameras but a good digital camera will do all of the same things!. If your digital camera does not do these things, get a film camera (usually about $50), or a digital camera that does!. Good photography, to a certain extent, does require good equipment!.

That being said, I think you have a great eye for composition and a few of your photographs are very good (dewdrops, niagra, and horseshoe falls)!. I would strongly suggest that if you are in school, take a photography class!. It will help you make your visions a reality!. And don't be so concerned about making money off of it!.!.!.!. if you love photography enough, that won't matter!.

I should also add that when I was younger, my photos looked a lot like yours!. I continued to take photographs all of the time without knowledge of photography until I took my first photo class at 17!. The practice I had really put me ahead of the game, so keep taking photos!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I Wouldn't By Them
Because I'm A Photographer!.

And If I Wanted A Good Picture
To Hang Up On My Wall!.!.

I Could Take It Myself!.!.

but, your pictures were nice, if i weren't a photographer, i might of bought them for like fifty dollars!. However, the next time you go shooting, don't use photoshop that much, try to make a little mistakes as possible so you wouldn't have to edit them so much!. In my photography, i don't use that much editing, because i try to get the image as pure as possible on it's own!.

if you're going to photoshop, try to lessen the exposure, and sharpen than perhaps, but making them neon isn't the best idea, but i liked some of them, and as i mentioned, i would buy them, if i wasn't a photographer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mariposa and dewdrops are your best ones!.!.!.!.!.maybe even worth selling!. But the rest, I'm sorry to say, aren't good enough!. Like the person above me said, they're horribly over exposed and they lack basic composition!. And PLEASE!.!.!.!.!.!.put down the photoshop book and pick up a photography book!. You've taken photos that were probably pretty decent, and photoshopped them to death!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would not!. Most are oversaturated and have exposure problems, mainly with blown areas in the highlights!. I did like the plow in amongst the greenery, but it has a large area on the upper left that is completely blown!. also the contrast is bumped so much that you are missing a lot of the detail!. You do have some decent compositions!. Now work on exposure and post processing (as in less is more)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You duedrop pic is nice, but a lot of your pics are over saturated and have an unappealing contrast!. Plus, you have what some would consider a limited numbers of subjects!. Get out more and build up your portfolio!. It takes a while but the more you shoot the more you learn!. And don't be afraid to take some classes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't spend enough time planning / taking these shots!.

You spend more time in front of the computer photoshopping them!. They're so saturating--they're bleeding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved tigerlily, stationary ,and rosebud! i'd buy 'em all for sure!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I definitley would! They are really great! I love the backgrounds and the colors!. Good luck and don't listen to the other people!. Keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have some nice shots!.!.!.
but alot of that is due to the massive editing, try not to use so much contrast in your pictures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe some of them!. They are good, you are getting there!. Some of them just seem a bit imbalanced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i would it was very pretty
i like the dew drops the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com
