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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Great moral conflict..?

Question: Great moral conflict!.!.!?
Our town is holding an art competition for artists 18 and younger with the grand prize being a $25,000 scholarship to an art school with a $5,000 cash prize, and a 2nd place prize of a $15,000 scholarship to the same art school; both of which can be used when ever you are ready to attend the college!.

I have just had a baby, and once she is 2(I will be 19) I intend on going to college!. My Fiance is in the Army, and I do not wish to put any more burden on him financially, he paid for half of my private schooling once I was imancipated!. I am working at a day care and recieve only $750 a week(Although I am currently on leave for another 5 months)!. I need the scholarship in order to attend college!.

A girl who is entered in the competition used someone elses work by gridding the art to scale!. I am not sure if I should turn her in to the administrators of the competition or not!.!. We are not suppose to steal someone elses work, and although she didn't steal it, she gridded it and!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would notify the administrators!. If someone does something wrong, then it's wrong, no matter who they are!. And if this close friend of yours gets mad at you or something dumb, she should've made the right decision to make her own art in the first place instead of using some one else's art!.

also; don't listen to what others say, as long as you know what's true, what's right, what's wrong in your own mind, nothing else should matter!. Rudeness is also not necessary, the information about your family is necessary to your position in this decision because you need the money!. Good luck, and I hope everything works out for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't have mentioned your predicament if you couldn't stand the criticism!. It has nothing to do with the question you posed about the art scholarship contest!. I really don't believe the two situations you pose!. The answer to your question is obvious, as is the invitation to comment you pose about yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If she broke the rules, she doesn't deserve to win!. If she technicaly didnt break the rules, then she should still have the chance!. Do what your head tells you to do, not what your heart does!.

And for the record, i hope you, your fiance, and your daughter have a happy life together!. nothing to critisize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know it would be a hard decision on whether to turn this girl over that you are close to!. You also have to look at your future!. You're talented enough without using someone else's work!. She should be too but she didn't use her own work!. It doesn't matter WHAT she did to the work she changed, the point is, it was not hers originally!. Yes, you should turn her in!. Maybe anonymously!. I know I would, especially when you cant pay for your schooling independently and this scholarship would definitely help!. This is the decision that could affect the rest of your life!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com