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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I find the best place to get a professional headshot done?

Question: How do I find the best place to get a professional headshot done!?
2)how long will it take!?
3)can they edit out anything!?
4)will i deffinatly be able to find a really good photo of me when I choose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
HI Fabio,

Your best bet is to get the phone book out!.!.!. yellow pages in your area!. I find that googling and doing an internet search does not always yield business that are local, and even when they do!.!.!.!. manytimes the phone number is wrong!.

You should look in the yellow pages for photographers close to you!. The bigger the page ad!.!.!. the more the studio will probably charge but they are probably pretty good at what they do as well!.

If you are looking for bargain prices!.!.!. look in Craigslist !. org in your city!. Look under the catagory Services and type in Photographer!. My guess is that a number of them will pop up!. These guys are usually trying to drum up some business and don't charge as much as the studios!. What you are wanting is pretty straight forward!.!.!. so I am betting you will find someone in your area and in your price range!.

And to answer your other questions:

1!. Depends on the rates the particular photographer is charging!.

2!. Should take less than 45 minutes!.

3!. If they OFFER photo editing, they can do it, but I am sure
it will be an additional charge!. Most always is!.

4!. If the photographer is shooting digital, he/she can show you your pictures before you leave the studio and you can choose right there on the spot!. :)) which is one great thing about digital!.

So, I hope I have given you a little something to go on today!.
Good luck with your photoshoot!.

Thanks for reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

search meetup!.com for photographers groups in your area!. get reccommendations from the local natives for the services and prices you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com