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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can a graphic design artist help me here? I'm trying to design a mural/graph

Question: Can a graphic design artist help me here!? I'm trying to design a mural/graphic!?
I'm trying to design this wall mural and I want it to be original, I want to include vectors and waves and totally random graphic stuff but I can't really knit all the things together into a goodlooking design!. Like where do I start!? how do I put everything together!? How would a graphic design artist do it!? help please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The design has to work on a piece of notepaper before you can consider how it will look as a mural!.

In short, of you don't have the design chops in the first place, a mural is the wrong way to to start!.

What it sounds like you want to do is just a bunch of random shapes, lines and elements that have no meaning!. If it has no meaning in your head, it won't on paper, and, it won't on the mural, either!. Even garbage grafitti has more significance than that!.

I suggest you pick a theme and develop it!. Make LOTs of sketches!. (I mean DOZENS or more) Keep at it!. Select the elements from some of the sketches that begin to work and discard, (temporarily) the rest!. Eventually, the latter sketches will start to resemble a cohesive whole!. At some point, you will recognize that "THIS ONE" is what you would like to traslate into a mural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com