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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How would I create this effect on Photoshop?

Question: How would I create this effect on Photoshop!?

Any help at all is appreciated!. I know how to use photoshop already, I just would like to know how you get this kind of effect :) Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!.!.!.since you know how to use photoshop!.!.!.why don't you know how to do it!? Who's crazy enough to do it step by step and take screen shots so that you can follow along!.!.!.OH!.!.!.ME!!! hahahahhaha

1>Open up your photo
2>Go to the layer's palette
3>Select the create a new layer adjustment button (half black and white)
4>Go to Solid Color!.!.!.choose a color and then make sure it's a tone on the right side of the palette
5>then where it says "Normal" in the layer's palette, select lighter color
>And there you have it!.!.!.now!.!.!.i did it and uploaded some photo's of the process as i was doing it!.!.!.so that you can follow along if you get confused!. Hope this helps!.


it does look like a color adjustment, perhaps with the gradient tool or dodge and burn!. also it could be from the use of filters such as FilterFactory collection!.

take a look at the following pages for examples!.!.!.

looks like either a major color boosting, or color replacement!. perhaps it was just color variation!. haha well it was pretty sick but one you find it, its like super easy to do!. i'd try the color variations thing firstWww@QuestionHome@Com

I suspect that this is not a photoshop effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com