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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need opinions and criticism on my photography. how can i improve it?

Question: I need opinions and criticism on my photography!. how can i improve it!?
heres the link to the question with the links to my pictures!.


I only need honest opinions on how to improve my photographs and stuff!.

my email is mawish11@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
honestly you already got some good comments, and i know your prob!. eager to learn but over posting about the same thing wont win you any fans anytime soon!. you need to work on your lighting and most importantly your composition, your photos are normal!. for the most part i could hand my Lil cousin a camera and could exact the same results!. you kind of have a good eye but you center your subjects and that's suicide in the world of photography!. Read a book or two, practice practice,figure out what type of photog!. u want to do and perfect it and have some Patience because you wont become the next Richard avedon(great photog!. from my aspect) overnight!. good luck and keep on going!.!.!.!.

HA those who thumb me down only leave room for arroganceWww@QuestionHome@Com