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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where I can sell my genuine Viloin Antonius Stradivarius made in 1706?

Question: Where I can sell my genuine Viloin Antonius Stradivarius made in 1706!?
For detail information you can visit my site : beritabaru!.tripod!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you can let it tested by an expert, your price of 65,500 USD is totally ridicolous: a Stradivari violin made in 1706 (golden period) and in good conditions is worthy for sure more than 2 million USD, probably closer to 3 million!. Moreover, I need to check, but I don't believe there is a known 1706 violin by Antonio Stradivari (1705 yes, one, and 1707 more than one, but!.!.!.)

Sorry but:
- Eugene Ysaye never lost a Violin!. He had two Guarnieri del Gesu' and ONE Stradivari but it was a late Stradivari dated 1737, not an Antonio Stradivari
- His concerts in St Petersburg where in 1910-1912 and 20 years before not in 1908
- From your pics seems a bad copy of the 1700 Stradivary known as "The Penny" or a copy of some late Stradivary!. If it is a true old copy or a good German copy early 900 can be worthy 20 or 30 KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your site does not appear!.
You most probably have a fake here as they are widely copied!. However some of the older copies are saleable!.
http://www!.stradivariusviolins!.org/price!.!.!. tells you some details on prices for genuine ones!.
about the real thing and the copies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt that your VIOLIN is authentic, since you can't even SPELL violin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com