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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I'm going to school for art and I thought I would ask?

Question: I'm going to school for art and I thought I would ask!?
what are some of the better schools out there, I'm trying to get the right info on the best art schools so I don't pick the wrong school!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bec, Purple- what other color is there!? VCU is Virginia Commonwealth University!.

It's hard to pick a wrong school these days!. Art departments work hard to compete with each other!. They hire the best they can find!. Go to the websites of the college or university that you are interested in, to the art department!. You often find the professors have several of their own works there, to show you what kind of artists they are!. That gives you an idea what you might find as assignments in class, and what their strengths are!. You might also do an Internet search for each professor to get a more complete picture!.

Some schools that have great reputations are: RISD -Rhode Island School of Design, a great one!- San Francisco Art Institute, and CCA- California College of the Arts!. There are many more!.

You may hear the slogan: "Get your bachelor's on the East Coast, get your master's on the West Coast!." And visa versa!. This is important to give you as much exposure to the variety of arts and artists in the world today!. To develop you as the best artist you can become!.

It IS, IS, IS important to get your Master's degree in art!. It gives you the best all-around view of the art world, and refines for you, what kind of artist you truly are!.
Here are some websites to start you off:









http://www!.art!.ucdavis!.edu -my own universityWww@QuestionHome@Com

CRANBROOK ART INSTITUTE in Michigan!. Many great designers have gone there!. Depends on what your interests are, this school is (or used to be) geared more towards design for architects and furnishings!.
I no longer have a favorite color, can't decide between the 3 primary and 3 secondary colors and turquoise!. Like them all, together and separate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When i was looking at art schools the big ones that always came up were

-Pratt Institute (in Brooklyn)
-Rhode Island School of Design (R!.I!.S!.D!.)
-Savannah College of Art and Design (S!.C!.A!.D!.)
-Parsons!? (Manhattan)
-School of Visual Arts (Manhattan)

but, im going to VCUarts!
my favorite color happens to be purple!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NC school of the arts that's were i plan on going and it is all of the original starburst colors red orange pint and yellow!.!.!. the go so good together:)Www@QuestionHome@Com