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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Art in london-place to do your own art?

Question: Art in london-place to do your own art!?
I have heard that there is such thing as becoming a member of a club or something and paying a yearly fee and then being able to come into the place and use the facilities and be given materials etc to paint/draw etc
Could you please point me in the right direction for this as Google search seems useless for this, giving me loads of art galleries information!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are quite a few art clubs and artists' societies you can join which run studio sessions, they probably aren't that cheap though, and I doubt if they provide materials because artists usually like to choose their own!.
There’s one here in Peckham if this is the sort of thing you are thinking of:
Try searching for things in the location you want like:
Studio Club
Art Workshop
Guild of Artists
Art Society
Painting Society
Some local community centres also do drop-in sessions and run courses and workshops, but they are usually for people in the local area, Bromley-by-Bow is supposed to be quite a good one!.
As well as internet searches have a look at the notice boards up in any art supply shops near you, Atlantis in Brick Lane used to have a big one, they probably still do but I haven't been there for a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com