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Question: Copyright for loaned images!?
I understand if you loan someone a picture for the purposes of display (like a seminar or talk), then it is considered published!. Is that true!? I want to loan some pictures for a talk, but I want to publish them myself later!. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Make sure you have a copyright on each loaned image before the seminar or talk!. You'll need to apply to the Library of Congress!.Make sure each image contains a copyright notice, such as Copyright (c) 2008 by _____!.

In the publishing world, one-time use of a creator's work typically is expressed as first SERIAL rights, not just first rights!. First rights would give the borrower first use of your images in every type of media under the sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you use a picture, print it, you technically are in the realm of copyright!.

Loaning is legally giving someone the right to use a picture without pay for a limited time or specific event!. You still have the copyright!. If you are the producer it is automatically yours!. You don't even have to put a ? on it though it helps should someone want to find you to buy it (or the rights)!.

If a painter sells a picture that picture may have changed ownership!.!.!.!. the copyright is still the painters!. Same with your work!. You can sell or give it to 'millions' of people to use !.!.!. theoretically!. As long as you did not SPECIFICALLY ON PAPER have sold your copyright, that right remains with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you shot the picture it belongs to you and nobody else (legally)!. You can sell it multiple times or you can give rights to use in a seminar, web site, slide show, etc for free or for money!. Its you call!.
However, it makes for a good 'Best Practice' to copyright your pictures!.
In my case, I use PhotoMechanic to import my pictures from my camera to my computer and in the process I set the IPTC with a copyright notice and who the owner is!.
There are other services online where you can send/upload entire DVDs full of picture and register them as wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you loan them you still have the copywrite!. Make sure you get them to sign an agreement first stating they have one time use only for your pictures!. That'll give you the ammunition you need in case the courts get involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com