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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What font size on a 8x11 page would be comprable to 12 pt on a 5x7 page?

Question: What font size on a 8x11 page would be comprable to 12 pt on a 5x7 page!?
Over the course of a book that is 400 pages and has 5x7 pages, what size would the font be on an 8x11 page!? I was thinking 20 pt!? sources!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On a 8X11 page, the comparable font size (of 12 on a 5x7) would be around 18 or 19!.

How it works: the ratio between 5x7 and 8x11 is about 1!.57 to 1!.6!. Take 1!.6 and multiply it by 12 pt (which is your font size from 5x7)!.

Vince M: your answer to the asker's question is irrelevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Consider that there are 72 points to an inch!. Just do the math to figure out the proportions!.

You also have to consider the "leading" or the space between lines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i set up a ratio, (or tried to) and it came out to about 30 size font, it may be wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com