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Question: What the best book to learn drawing!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A sketchbook!. ;-)

Seriously, Drawing is a craft and there is a whole corpus of knowledge about it!. The above poster recommends Betty Edwards's Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain!. I also recommend Kimon Nikolaides's The Natural Way to Draw!. While some people prefer the Edwards book, and others prefer the Nikolaides book, including me, I cannot accept that objectively one is better than the other!. They try to use different methods to obtain the same results so try both and see what works for you!.

They are both about mark making, which is something n00bies don't pay a lot of attention to!. Once you understand that, then anatomy, perspective and those other things become a LOT more important!. There are dozens of books with titles like Drawing Lessons from the Old Masters which can help, and there are all kinds of straightforward books on specific subjects, including animals which contain very helpful tips!.

An art professor named Ralph Larman has had two excellent drawing sites up since the last century!. They are the figure drawing lab:


And the Art Studio Chalkboard:


Neither they nor any book is going to replace a teacher though!. Drawing is a craft and, bluntly, you need someone to keep you honest!. However those are a start and beyond them there are HUNDREDS of great resources out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Drawing on the right side of the Brain "
by Betty Edwards

heres the link to the book

learn how to draw by anny doyle pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!.!.!. vote as best answer u dont know how much this means to me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com