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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I think I am done with this painting . . . what do you think?

Question: I think I am done with this painting !. !. !. what do you think!?
I hate to overwork paintings, so I think I am close to stopping!. I am not completely happy with the cloud right over the summit, so I might change it a bit!. Is there anything else on this painting that might make it better!?


This is done in pastels, and is 14" x 23" on Fabriano Roma paper!. I painted it from a photo (actually two taped together to get more of a panorama) that I took on the moraine over the Blue Glacier on Mt!. Olympus in Washington State back in '95!. The summit is actually the little rock to the left of the big dome !. !. !. I didn't get there because the weather closed in that day!. But I DID hike 23 miles with a 45lb!. backpack to get the photo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh!.!.!. it's beautiful, like a snowy Brigadoon!

I once had a professor who told me!.!. paintings are
'never' done!. They just 'stop'!.!.!. in an interesting place!.

Don't change a thing!. I want to drag out my skis:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

its really good, but i just like to say this, a painting is never done untill you think its done, and when you happy with it!. i used to ask my art teacher all the time if my projects were done and she ask me back "I dont know!? are they!?" it would drive me crazy but i learned something from it xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mazel tov! Great work getting the photos!. It is a fine painting!.!.!.I would have liked a larger image to study, but from what I can see here it is complete!. You could play with that cloud a bit, better defining it from the snow, but why!.!.!.it would just be another version and this one is fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the image is pretty small and low-res, but from what I can tell, it looks great and I think you can comfortably stop there!. The clouds are beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats amazing!.
i agree with changing up the clouds a bit!.
cuz it kind of looks like smoke coming up from the mountain from that little picture!. unless thats what its suppose to be!.!.
otherwise its a very beatufiul piece of artworkWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would make the clouds a light gray to contrast with the snow!. That or outline the white clouds with gray!. It looks good, you have talent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It looks good, the cloud actually looks good I think, because it isn't artsy, it looks like a genuine cloudWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! I'm not an artist, so pardon me if my critique is not what you were looking for!.!.!.!. but I think it's absolutely beautiful! How long did it take you!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is awesome!!! The only thing I might would add is a tiny little skier going down the slope! YOU ARE GOOD!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been painting for 40 years!.!.!.and you are done ! Good jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow it's kool, good job do you sell your stuff!? if not you should u can get bucks off of ya crap!lol thats what i doWww@QuestionHome@Com