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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I am planing on painting the walls orange and pink... do i need to prime?

Question: I am planing on painting the walls orange and pink!.!.!. do i need to prime!?
i am painting the basement of my house to become my new room!. the colors i am painting it are going to be bright orange and pink!.!.!. the walls down there havent been paint for about 15 year but still look pretty good!.!.!. should i prime the wall first!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok Kayla, here's the skinny, the low down, the real deal, the frashizz from your franizz!. (I don't know what any of that means)

If the paint is peeling at all, (bad news) somebodys gotta scrape it!. I'd pull a Tom Sawyer and get others to do it!. (may need more than apples tho!.)

If the paint isn't peeling and no matter what color it is!. get a paint tray and a roller with a long handle you can screw onto it!. Put a single coat of primer on!. with the roller it should be quick!. (remember you are not painting so it doesn't have to be perfect but get a brush and get the corners)

after your primer dries, your orange and pink is good to go!.
good colors for a girls room!.

rock on wicha bad selfWww@QuestionHome@Com

If the paint is still stuck to the wall really well and it isn't a dark color, then you shouldn't have to prime it!. If it is a dark color, then you should prime the walls!. If you don't have to prime it, you should either lightly sand the walls (if they're not flat paint now) or use a product called Liquid Sandpaper so the new paint will adhere well to the old surface!.

Good luck!. Orange and pink will really make that room come alive!! : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Primer is good and especially good IF your going over a darker color!. Of course for the same price, if your planning on doing two coats that "may" do it also!. Primer absorbs the paint very well and assist in the curing of the paint, however your painting inside, you shouldn't have to worry about it curing, merely drying!. I'd prime first, be sure to check for holidays (places where the roller didn't have enough paint and you can see the old paint, you WILL have holidays)!. The very best advise I can give you is!. Get online and purchase a Paint Stick!. I painted 4 rooms in my house in less than 3 hours, easy to clean up, not messy at all!. Don't get a Wagner or any other brand, the paint stick is about $30!. and worth EVERY penny of it!.

30 years on boats, you learn how to paint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, if the walls are white, it takes MORE PAINT to cover the white if you are going a very saturated color!. I would prime, but you can get the primer TINTED the same colors as the paint!. That way you won't have to use as much paint to get the colors you want!. They don't charge for tinting primer, just like they don't charge for mixing paint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I painted the shed door for my parents, and it looks 10 times better than it did when I didn't prime!. If it will be your room, I'd definitly prime to make the colors look sharp!. It also depends on the texture of the paint!.!.!. watery, cheaper = use primer for sure!. But, when in doubt, PRIMER! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the walls are a light color you don't need to prime!. If they are a darker color then the paint you are going to use then primer so it doesnt bleed through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you paint it is always best to prime the walls before you paint so the paint holds better!.!.especially since it has been 15 years

Personal ExperienceWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should prime if your walls are not white!. As you said it hasn't been painted in years, if they are white, i'd give them a good once over with a wet rag or sponge mop first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mom painted my walls orange and pink a few years back!.
She didn't prime the walls, but it might be safe to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prime unless your walls are already whiteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why is this !? in "visual arts"!?
Should be in home improvement!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your walls are white now no don't prime!. Otherwise do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

prime them if the colour isnt already whiteWww@QuestionHome@Com

always prime! it covers blemishs and makes paint stick!Www@QuestionHome@Com