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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you take HDR photos, what camera is needed?

Question: How do you take HDR photos, what camera is needed!?
I saw some photos in HDR, they are freakin amazing, I assume the HD is high-def (no idea what the R is)!.

Here is a sample of HDR photography (link to Flickr)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many professionals shoot in RAW, for one thing!.!.!. Then use a RAW editor to finish their image!. RAW is the digital "negative" and contains TON's more information than a JPG could EVER dream of having!.!.!.!.

Adobe Lightroom is but 1 RAW editor that gives you full control of all the pixels (picture elements) your camera had exposed, IF your camera shoots in RAW!. Many times the detail and color is there but a JPG shows a blown out, washed out image!.!.!. or it is just flat and lacking - sparkle!.!.

JPG image!.!.!. of RAW unprocessed!. However, turning a RAW into a JPG requires a certain amount of processing!.!.

RAW image!.!. Processed!.!.

Unprocessed images in RAW are equally as unfaltering!. Like images from the Hubble space telescope or any of the Mars Rovers, the images have to be processed in order to give them substance!. With a RAW processor you have a pixel by pixel color, exposure, every thing that pixel 'saw'!.!. control!.!.!

If you want to raise just one color, you can !.!. with FAR more control than the normal image editing program, or them that have a RAW plug-in!. !. If the image editing program tries to do 'everything' !.!. like a Swiss Army knife, you may get a lot, but very small!.!.!.!

Google RAW image editors and see the list of what is out there!.!.!. No 1 program is the best, but some do stand out and Adobe Lightroom is one!.!.!.!

Bob - TucsonWww@QuestionHome@Com

any camera you can drive the exposure manually will do it for you, then merge the exposures in a computer program


HDR is High Dynamic Range!. It's not done thru the lens!. This is done in post processing via Photoshop!.
