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Question: What things don't you like about your camera!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't like that my canon Xti -

- is not silver , i really wanted a silver camera
- doesn't have live-view
- the screen gets smudgey all the time
-really fragile

That's all i can think of right now !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My primary camera is a Mamiya 645 AFD!. Love everything about it, but I wish it took 6 x 7 frames instead of the 6 x 4!.5, yet could still maintain it's current size!. The RZ 67 is just too big and heavy to carry around, and I don't want a rangefinder such as the 7 II!.

I suppose the only other thing I don't like about the AFD is that it can't walk and talk!. It would be great if it could walk up to people with digital cameras just snapping off scores of photos with no thought or meaning, slap them across the kisser, and tell them how much better photography can be when you are working to make EVERY frame mean something!.


PS!.!.!. to DANA!.!.!. lol!.!.!. you THINK a 30D and kit lens is heavy!? Try a Canon 1Ds with a fat L lens and hotshoe mounted flash on it!. You would rejoice to just have to carry the tiny 30D around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a canon dslr (among others)!. I don't like the way moldy old film shooters view it!.

I do make every frame count!. I don't just snap photos off by the thousands because I can!. I make every frame count!. People shouldn't be so judgemental!. Not everyone is an anal retentive pro, nor do they want to be!.

As for me!. !. !. If you see me shooting digital it's because I chose to that day!. I have in my arsenal: point & shoots, underwater film, underwater digital, dslrs, slrs, tlrs (twin lens), medium format, large format (8x10), field cameras, numerous antique cameras fully restored!. All of them work, I have used them all and still use them all!. I have a darkroom!. I have an enlarger that will work with every film type I use!. I can develop b&w, color, slides whatever your pleasure!.!.!. so don't try to make me lesser than you just because I have a digital in my hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has a wide angle lens and I can't change it!. I use a point and shoot, which is a great camera, but I like the changeable lenses that I have for my SLR's!. When I can afford a DSLR, I'll get one!.

also, the manual focus is awful and the autofocus takes too long and sometimes focuses on the background!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only complaint I have about any of my cameras is I hate how heavy my 30D is, especially it's heavy kit lens on it!. I know it's mostly the lens, but the body itself is pretty heavy for a camera body!.

Such a drag to to be carrying that heavy thing around my neck for a while :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like my Canon!. I don't like my Sony A350 because it only has the kit zoom lens (no other lenses yet) and it slips, making the AF a bit off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's smaller than my 35mm cameras were, for some reason I like the big heavy cameras, it makes me feel like I'm holding onto something not so fragile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My digital Canon cost too much, does not take as good of pic as my film cameras do, & will be obselete/outdated in a few years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Photogs Lament

I'm sick and tired of this old camera!.
I think that I might sell it!.
It never does just what I want
But only what I tell it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

slow autofocus!.
takes forever to write images to the memory card!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mines broken, so i have to hole the bottom when taking a picture or it will turn off, that really annoys meWww@QuestionHome@Com

That it can't autofocus all autofocus lenses!.

it's a Nikon D40Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't make it shrink to tiny size to fit in my purse or pocket!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't have an internal meter!.

Leica M4!.Www@QuestionHome@Com