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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's a good site (that ships to Canada) to buy anime off of?

Question: What's a good site (that ships to Canada) to buy anime off of!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You may want to look into a company like Bongo International http://www!.BongoUS!.com !. They will set you up with your own US address so that you can make purchases from any US based online store…even if they don’t ship internationally!. Have the goods shipped to Bongo’s warehouse and they will consolidate all your orders and have them shipped to your door!. You can save hundreds of dollars!. If you find a company that doesn’t take international credit cards, they will make the purchase for you for a small fee!. They have saved me hundreds…possibly thousands of dollars by now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com