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Question: How do I use it!?
My boyfriend is now moving away and he wants me to do webcam and gave me this vibrator and told me to use it!. Except it has no instructions!.


this is a pic of it sorta except it white but yeah thats it what do i do with it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am pretty sure that is supposed to go on his c*ck and while he is inside it vibrates your cl!t!. So you can't really use it the way it was intended!. You could just hold it against yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's a c**kring!.!.!.!. you can't really use that on yourself!.!.!. you should get an actual vibrator!.!.!. like this one (it's one of my personal favorites) : http://www!.loverslane!.com/PASSION+DIAL+P!.!.!.

hope this helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he gave that to you for thinking about him!. Its for a boy to put it on his youknow whatWww@QuestionHome@Com