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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Please critique my photos from Cedar Point?

Question: Please critique my photos from Cedar Point!?
Hey all!. I went to Cedar Point yesterday and got some cool shots!. Let me know what you think!. Advice and pointers are welcome!

Thanks so much!.

"Fishing for pennies!."

"Hungry Seagull"

"Power Tower and umbrellas" (my favorite)

"Snake River Falls"

"Suburban Roller Coaster"

"The Magnum"

"The Mantis"

"Millennium Force" (my other favorite)

"Spider's Web"

"Sailboat Painting" (my least favorite)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fishing for Pennies--pretty good!. Would have loved to not see the woman in the photo!. Would have also been cute if you could get behind them and a little lower so all you see is the legs!.

Hungry Seagull--so-so!. I don't really like the angle!. Eye level would be better (I know it would be difficult)!. The shadow is way harsh too!. Maybe you could lighten it up a bunch!.

Power Tower and Umbrellas--I like the color!. I'm glad you didn't do that in B&W!.

Snake River Falls--not really doing anything for me!. It's a bridge with water splashing behind it!. Kinda boring!. If you could have been ON the bridge (again I know it's difficult if you don't have a waterproof camera) and gotten the people going into the water, it would have been way cooler!.

Suburban Roller Coaster--it's ok!. Maybe you could get more of the house next time--like having the roller coaster behind the whole house in some way!. Or if there were more than one house in front!.!.!.

The Magnum--Looks like a snapshot!.

The Mantis--Again, looks like a snapshot!. The color is fun!. Too bad you couldn't get at an angle where you could catch their faces while they were upside down!.

Millenium Force--Kind of boring to me!. The use of lines is alright, but it doesn't really pull me into the picture!. I actually had to find the rail leading into the photo!.

Spider's Web--Pretty cool!. Is there any way you can darken the background and clone out the flash reflections!?

Sailboat Painting--Not really doing anything for me either!. But I like how you tried framing!. Way to go with that!.

You have awesome potential!. Keep practicing! Join an online photo group like Yahoo Better Digital Photography!. Tell them Jess sent you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I looked at a couple and my suggestion would be to fool around with the brightness and contrast to make the pictures more vibrant and stand out more!.

also, a few of the pictures, mainly the ones of the rollercoasters, have rather disinteresting angles!. They're not bad, but not amazing!. The one of the seagull is my favorite because it makes good use of the rule of thirds!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love the fishing for pennies!.!.i like how the kids are literally falling into the water haha

i also like your favorites!.

i dont like the magnum nd mantis!.!. nothing special to them

keep up the good workWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Sappy

The Power Tower and the spider's web!.!.!. Good takes, good color and good composition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not bad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked the very first one!. The rest of them very were just snapshots!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com