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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Joker Newpaper themed photoshoot. I need your opinion please! (easy 10 points)?

Question: Joker Newpaper themed photoshoot!. I need your opinion please! (easy 10 points)!?
Please tell me which of these three photo's entitled "Why So Serious!?" looks best and why!. I need to know which one to post on my site!. Pick one!.!.!.don't say none please!.




These photo's were taken by me today!. The only photoshopping done was the color/ temperature adjustment!. Thanks for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The darker colour matches with the atmosphere The Joker is associated with!.
The picture of the Joker is also the best in the B picture!.
In addition the hair of the girl is black in the B picture, which again matches the dark tone of the Joker and makes it look like she is hiding behind the shadow of her hair, just as the joker hides behind his mask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first looks more colour accurate, but i really like the third one, because the colour is more toward sepia, and i'm a bit of a sucker for sepia!.
great idea, by the way, for a shoot!. i hope it is a series of some sort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*randomly point* B! :D !._!.
And the ive got no reason cuz i was just randomly pointing to it :3

Ur welcome to add!? x3 lolsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I admire B because the blue gloominess and murk and it also resembles the picture!. Very nice!. I liek 'emWww@QuestionHome@Com

A!. More natural color balance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um i just clicked on the images and it says they cant be shown or something, so i cant tell youWww@QuestionHome@Com


The cool blue shade is similar to the film's aesthetics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some gelled backlight would help, I like the one you like!.


The first one--the white balance seems to be correct!.

I don't see that they scream "why so serious!?" What I mean is that not all photos have to be given a name!. Or in this case, if you have a title, you have to come up with a photo--but I don't see how this goes with "why so serious!?" I was thinking instead of a person who may appears to be acting silly and you capture the moment!.

I hope you don't take this wrongly as it seems that my last answer somehow prompted you to delete the question all together!.


I was not thinking about getting 10 points for answering the last question and I am sorry no one else did (because honestly I do think that your question required thinking--which is more than, "Am ah pretty!?" questions which we see on a daily basis!.)

I should have made it clear that previous photos, including today's, appear to have taken quite a bit of work to do!. So no matter how anyone thinks, including myself, you should be proud that they did come out well, regardless of the fact that your message may not come across to everyone who looks at it or not!.

I do think that your photos are what I think of as "artsy", and I honestly do not know to do that at all!. All I do is just straight shots!.

No hard feelings, I hope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com