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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help me about scrapbook??

Question: Help me about scrapbook!?!?
pls give me a tips or design to do a heritage scrapbook!.!.!.
i want to create a beautiful one cause i want to compete for our scrap book making about our country and i want a concept that looks old so tips pls!.!.
pics can help too!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
why not get some real items and stick them on your scrapbook!? may be like your national flower!.!. or stamps!.!.

to make the pages look old, paint it with coffee mixed with water!.!. it will give it a crisp old colour!.!. then may be burn the sides of the book to look as if it's rotting away

hope this helps!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that your scrap booking could use photos that you import from the computer!. You could scan many things, print them on a heavy card stock, and use fonts that would lend themselves to your cultural heritage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com